Sunday, May 23, 2010

BootCamp Num 4

BodyCombat based

Running up and down the room (4 rounds)
Jabs 8 counts (20 times)

Running up and down the room (4 rounds)
UpperCut 8 counts (20 times)

Running up and down the room (4 rounds)
Hook 8 counts (20 times)

Running up and down the room (4 rounds)
Abs Twist 8 counts (20 times)


Walking Knee with plate (4 rounds)
RoundHouse Kick 8 counts (20 times)

Walking Knee with plate (4 rounds)
SideKick 8 counts (20 times)

Walking Knee with plate (4 rounds)
Front Kick 8 counts (20 times)

push up (20 times)
dips (20 times)
caterpilar run (10 rounds after all in a line)

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